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9 December 2008

Malfunctioning Part

Sometimes even non living life looks exciting to me. When living life becomes non living or life has to be pushed like non living then non living life can be expected as more exciting. I imagine what if I was a machine. Anyway we have been continuously moving like a part of machine or a whole machine in this system. Machine has certain life span, running time, maintenance period. Machine may be immediately stopped when there is any symptom of malfunctioning or disorder. There can be another machine or part to replace.

There is a similarity between the machine life (non living) and human life (living) that is the runner or controller – a human, for the both. Why a human is restless? Where is the end of this speed? Why don’t we get replacement parts?

We have to be revived ourselves and run smoothly even if any failure under any circumstances. This is the rule of life. Sometimes, I feel like being a malfunctioning part of the machine, so that the ‘pause’ button can be pressed and machine can take rest for a while.

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