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24 November 2009

Exploring Queen Victoria Building

Although these photos were taken last year during X-mas, can still be exciting for those who have never been to Queen Victoria Building (QVB) in Sydney. This building is situated at the heart of city and contains several businesses with its artistic architecture.
QVB outer look

Here is the X-mas tree inside the QVB which is decorated every year here during Xmas.
Bottom of the Xmas tree

Top of the same tree in upper floor

Statue of Queen Victoria @ front yard of the building

The following image was taken while there were red lights for all the vehicles.

Road side in front of the building

Now, lets get inside the building:

Information board

Basement coffee shops and other businesses.

Running businesses

This is a clock with varieties of arts, cultural and historical information about Australia.

You can see many clocks, if you observe carefully.

Closer look of the clock, this big middle part keeps on revolving around the clock.

Middle part with clock and arts.

Further closer views:

Date info on the clock

About history

Aborigines before white settlement

The taking of children : Aborigine's children were forcefully taken by white at past.

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