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26 December 2008

Half day of life

Festivals give relief to hectic, exhausting life and pleasure to the calm life. Whatever the religion, festivals are for the enjoyment. We (me and friends) planned to utilize the day of festival – Xmas day, being together in beach. So, according to our plan we went to Bondi beach.

Sea, beaches are always fascinating places for me though I’ve visited many times since I’m in Australia.I feel amazed when I see a mountain of water because see the sea it looks like a blue mountain to me.

People surfing in the sea.

At the time of returning home, we find some people with Hare Rama, Hare Krishna bhanjans and dance. We spent some time watching them. It was not obvious scene in Australia. The Gopinis were in the beach instead of Vrinda ban (forest).
The camera we had taken couldn't help at this moment to capture, it ran out of battery. So, I captured these photos with my mobile(3.2 mp).

This video was also recorded using mobile. So the video quality is not so good but at least, you can listen to their way of singing bhajans.

24 December 2008

Merry Christmas

Festivals are always amazing to me. Today is the Christmas day.Whatever the religion, if we can feel festivals, its fantastic.
Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it.

9 December 2008

Malfunctioning Part

Sometimes even non living life looks exciting to me. When living life becomes non living or life has to be pushed like non living then non living life can be expected as more exciting. I imagine what if I was a machine. Anyway we have been continuously moving like a part of machine or a whole machine in this system. Machine has certain life span, running time, maintenance period. Machine may be immediately stopped when there is any symptom of malfunctioning or disorder. There can be another machine or part to replace.

There is a similarity between the machine life (non living) and human life (living) that is the runner or controller – a human, for the both. Why a human is restless? Where is the end of this speed? Why don’t we get replacement parts?

We have to be revived ourselves and run smoothly even if any failure under any circumstances. This is the rule of life. Sometimes, I feel like being a malfunctioning part of the machine, so that the ‘pause’ button can be pressed and machine can take rest for a while.

17 November 2008

If I were a bird

When we imagine freedom, peace and enjoyment, most of the times, we think of being a bird, swinging over the horizon probably with a lovely partner. Birds by nature enjoy freedom, and don’t have to be depended on anything for that. They are free of laws, rules and regulations and any sorts of boundaries for freedom.

These Sydney birds are loosing their enjoyment, freedom because of starvation like many human beings in the world. One day, I was with my wife having snacks in a park, these birds came closer to us in an expectation of getting foods. These pictures were snaped up at the mean time.

However, these lucky birds are enjoying more rights than most people in the world. Don’t imagine catching, hitting or killing of them. You can immediately be punished by the council or authorities. Sometimes you may also have to think twice to feed them because you can’t feed them anything you like. Anyone may be observing you and will complain immediately if you do something wrong. This is called awareness, responsibility. I liked it.

See the differences, in my country; two youths have been murdered and buried in the bank of a river. There is no one to take responsibility of their lives. Legal action against the murderer is far from the people’s expectations and people are protesting for their right to survive.

If I were a bird, at least I would enjoy my life.