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8 December 2013

Sunday Morning Love You!!

'Sunday Morning' is most probably inspiring music video for novice dancer. It is the perfect video for people who love music and can't dance at all. You can shake your body in a way you like, and get into the melody of music.
Bhim Niroula, originally from Nepal, has mixed the Nepalese melody into his English song. Great, melodious song for your love. Keep loving  'Bhim style' everyday, eveywhere!!
It has reached one million fifty-nine thousand seven hundred ninety-five (1,059,795) hits on youTube till today and is getting popular day by day.
Here is the YouTube Link for the Music Video:

8 September 2013

Teej celebration in Sydney

Nepalese hindu community has massively celebrated Teej festival in Sydney suburbs. Ladies were mainly dressed up in red beautiful dresses along with jewelleries and ornaments. All of them looked awesome today. This festival begins with a day of strict fasting (as most of the ladies don't even drink a glass of water), exchange of gifts and of course singing and dancing for the welfare and long life of husband along with family.
Here are the videos of this festival being celebrated in Minto temple in NSW this afterrnoon. Please, enjoy videos:

29 June 2013

यो झरी, त्यो वर्षा

एकदमै छोटा दिन, चीसा रात , त्यसमाथि लगातारको झरी । सिड्नीको हालको मौसम यस्तै छ, लगभग १० दिन भो घामले मेरो मुख हेर्न नपा'को । मौसम यस्तोसंग बर्षिएको छ की सुर्यपनि उदाउंछ र ! भन्नेमा शंका  हुनथालेको छ । सबैलाई झैँ मलाईपनि यो बर्ष अलि बढी चिसो हो कि भन्ने लाग्दैछ । चौबिसै घण्टा बत्ति जादैन, मन लाग्दा हिटर बाल्दा भएकै छ, जाँगर चल्दा तातो-मीठो खाने कुराको समस्या छैन, ट्रेन/कारमा, काम गर्ने ठाउँमा  ए सी चलेकै हुन्छ तैपनि झरिमाथिको गनगन छुटेको छैन ।

13 June 2013

Calling Overseas from Australia ??!!

Calling Overseas? Got error message or incorrect number message! Checked, redialed and probably same again! You have correct phone number, you know the country code and area code as well but still it says check your number. If so, you probably forgot to add something before your number.
Calling abroad from Australia requires 0011 to be added infront of your number unlike 00 only from other countries.