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14 July 2010

It's facebook Buzz !!

I don't have to tell you that facebook is one of most popular social networking sites in this world. It has not only gained popularity in short time but also is able to make people addicted to it. There could be a simple reason for people to get involved into it, that is - socially link with missing or nearer/dearer friends. Although the reason is simple, once people get into this e-network, there is definitely flood of known and unknowns. You can see all likes and dislikes, wanted and unwanted, invited and uninvited, moral and immoral.
For me it has been great success to meet friends, relatives, and some other familiar people and I'm also able to see their achievements. Similarly, they might be tracking mine activities too. It's social, you can forget about privacy though there are options to share only with you, which is not possible to maintain all the time. Even if you disable your wall post, someone will comment in your photos or posts and if you would like to restrict that too, you might expect comment in your links, if all these aren't happening to you, at least you will get unexpected message in your inbox.
If you have internet access and facebook account, I can bet that you spent majority of your time in this site, if not, at least valuable time of your day is lost here. You have now, plenty of friends, their wall posts, photos, comments, links, messages, events, recommendations to see, read and long list of online friends to chat. You can't simply ignore doing it. If you disagree, you have hips of applications,ongoing list of suggestions, and ads to make you curious and click on them.I can easily guess that you too are addicted like me or many of my friends, You can't stop logging in at least a day from busy schedule.
There is another side of life too, despite facebook being popular, portable, usable, accessible; I'm unable to be in touch with some of my friends whom I'm desperate to see.

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