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17 April 2010


I just can't always think about one thing. Most of the times my head goes just out of nothing however, when it boots, there are definitely too many things hurling together.From childhood to adult life, study to career, writing to publishing, eating to fitness, single to family, ex-girlfriend to future daughter, walking to racing, work to ambitions, earnings to dream home,......... oh my Gosh, list goes indefinite.

Unbelievable fact is that a tiny object inside a head can handle such many things!! Most of the times, there are sudden things, come suddenly into mind and easily disappear although, some remain as nostalgic, some are inspirational and some still take you deeper to the thoughts of ocean. There are probabilities to be repeated these more, when you are alone, or simply there isn't anyone to disturb you, however, there isn't any restriction on these to be present in you when in a noisy train, or driving in a heavy traffic or debating with some raspy dudes.
Most fascinating thing about these thoughts is make you aware, remember someone or do something immortal to be in someone's heart. These are definitely dynamic whatever the duration in your mind and paves you through new challenges.

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