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17 December 2009

Melbourne Visit

It's always good to share joyful moments with people. Thinking so, I'm sharing some photos this time which were taken during my last week visit to Victoria state of Australia. Melbourne is the largest city of Victoria, and second largest in Australia. Here are some of the photos from this city.

Melbourne city


a building in the city

SBS, one of the leading media house of Australia

The spire of art center, one of the landmark of Melbourne

city view

Yarra river and Melbourne city


Melbourne CBD

a church

a Tram, one of the major transportation in Melbourne

The funny thing about this is - it gets stopped in between the road. People have to get on or off in the middle of road and take a way to the side. It was quite amazing scene for me.One of my nephews who lives in Melbourne explained it as younger brother of train and older brother of trolley bus. He was so humorous at that moment.

Yarra river and Melbourne CBD

I shouldn't forget to mention another landmark of Melbourne which is called Eureka skydeck. This tower in one of the best place to observe Melbourne's fascinating view.

Eureka tower

We went to 88th floor within 38 seconds to observe the view. Following pictures were taken from the tower.

view from tower

view from tower

central train station view from the tower

view from tower

stadium & river view from tower

view from the tower

looking shorter from the tower

use it to view specific location, here Ngargee contemporary arts center

Melbourne CBD

Ready to go : You can ride these too

1 comment:

  1. hey premji whats this x-mas is over a long time ago so why dont u change or update ur site common dont be too lazy
