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All the materials contained in this blog are subjected to copy right of Mr. Prem KC unless other sources mentioned. Thanks for visiting my blog.

25 December 2009

Happy X-mas

Though I'm not religiously Christian, I'm celebrating this festival and enjoying the day. Whatever the religion most fascinating thing is the knowledge, power, character, behavior, and moral that we can acquire from any culture or religion. As we can come out of the boundary of a religion or culture then only we can achieve peace and prosperity. So, wishing you all prosperity and peace, I would like to say MERRY CHRISTMAS.
This time X-mas gift on behalf me are some photos of X-mas trees.

X-mas tree in Ballarat city

X-mas tree in Melbourne city

17 December 2009

Melbourne Visit

It's always good to share joyful moments with people. Thinking so, I'm sharing some photos this time which were taken during my last week visit to Victoria state of Australia. Melbourne is the largest city of Victoria, and second largest in Australia. Here are some of the photos from this city.

Melbourne city


24 November 2009

Exploring Queen Victoria Building

Although these photos were taken last year during X-mas, can still be exciting for those who have never been to Queen Victoria Building (QVB) in Sydney. This building is situated at the heart of city and contains several businesses with its artistic architecture.
QVB outer look

Here is the X-mas tree inside the QVB which is decorated every year here during Xmas.
Bottom of the Xmas tree

Top of the same tree in upper floor

28 October 2009

Nothing special

It's been few months leaving this blog unattended. First few months being busy in exams and other months being busy for nothing. Many things in life aren't fulfilled just by wishing them to be so. Same thing happened to me in this case of blogging. I could see people writing, publishing and inspiring with their work in an artistic and attractive way. I definitely get inspired by such many people however couldn't continue blogging as hobby. As there isn't any rule or particular matter of interest to be written in a blog, but it certainly has to be written something and shared among its visitors because in my view its a public place where public interest matters.I just can't occupy public place for nothing.
Some of my friends ask me "How is GOLOURA going on?" "Are you posting something?". I know they don't visit it frequently, otherwise, they shouldn't have ask such questions. However, they know and are concerned about it. So, I must be able to cope up with their concerns and should have some answers to them. For now, I can just say to be regular in blogging.

Good night.

27 September 2009


On the occasion of Hindus greatest and auspicious festival BADA DASHIAN, I would like to wish all a Happy, Prosperous Dashian. May this festival bring peace, harmony to your family and relatives.


2 July 2009

Are you interested in IELTS ??

If you are planning to head towards lands of opportunities or already there and wanna open the door of opportunities, IELTS can be a key for success. It's not the time to go for tuition centers and pay for hundreds of $$ for the course and score. There can be found hundreds of websites for the preparation. Some of them are really free, some says they are free but aren't in fact, and are wastage of time. I found some of the really free websites which helped me a lot and thought good to share with friends. Some of the sites that can really be useful to you as well, are here, although only these are not complete, you may have some idea about other really good sites for this purpose please provide those as comments.
Most importantly, ielts.org is the main web site for all sorts of authorised information about IELTS.

1 May 2009

My life

I just spent previous month without any sorts of creational activities. It was the month of big tensions, headaches, tragedies, blunders, havocs and so on. It just came and I spent unremarkable. Everything was unexpected and unwanted. Anyway, it shortened my life and gave some bitter experiences.

14 March 2009

Buzz !!!

There may be very few people to utilize their time to full extent and I don't want to be among them. I know my life is precious, knowing the fact I've been killing time. As like most of the lay-persons I've own principles of life and wanna live accordance with them. In fact, everyone is free to live in their own way. In my view, right utilization of only some amount of time can be enough for adorable jobs in this world. This automatically, ultimately pulls other parts of your life towards welfare of the society, humanity.However knowing facts, utilizing freedom, and accessing technology, I'm still not able to put my efforts towards utilization of , even some, time. Most of my time, these days, is spent on net surfing and when I try to calculate the utilization of that time, find nothing or sometimes little. Blogging, social networkings, chat rooms, messengers, skype, YouTube are some of my addictions. I never can easily come out of these, once logged in. Of course another part of life is that I've got friends, renewed the relationships and don't have to worry about missing them. Although some of my friends of herd time, and who have real feelings friendships, love by heart are still out of technology.I wish they could buzz/poke me like other people, even if I'm offline or hidden.

7 March 2009

Mardi Gras Festival in Sydney

One of the spectacular festivals of gays and lesbians - Mardi Gras, has been celeberated in sydney today. This could be the most prideful event for homos of the world. The parade was successfull with huge number of participants and audiences. This year's theme was "Nations United" with warm welcome to the world to come to Sydney and be part of colourfull gay celeberation according to Mardi Gras website.
Here are some of the photos and videos taken before and during the event.

More Photos.....

More Videos....

10 February 2009

Bush Fire!!!

Austalia is suffering from devasting bush fires. Death tolls have been expected to exceed 200. Similarly, hundreds of people have been homesless. Australian premier has symbolised this as mass murder. Firefighters are still struggling to control the fire. Most of the places are now under control however still some places seen to be under threats.
Source: http://mapvisage.appspot.com/fires/FireMap.html
In such a panic and hurtful hours, the support from government, local authorities, Red cross, other charities, civilians and others are highly appreciating.

The red bubbles in the map are the areas where still bush fire is going on.

As a human being and sydney resident, I have felt this pain as intolerable.

Finally, I would like to inform to my family members, relatives and friends that we are safe in sydney. Most of the Nepalese community and international students are in city areas of Australia and they too are safe.

1 January 2009

Welcome 2009 !!!!!!!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009. May this year be a milestone of success in your life.

World is welcoming another challenging New Year with happiness, as like others I'm also a part of this system and my heart too accepting this brand New Year to make it fruitful. There can be various ways to welcome and celebrate New Year. One of the world's popular ways is to exchange greetings, wishes with fireworks.
People here in sydney, were gathered in popular spots, high hills, taller buildings, hotels and other places, from where they could easily see the view of fireworks. They were seem to be ready from the early morning as it was difficult to get the right location with beautiful view in the eve. We, in the evening faced the same problem. The crowd was expected to be 1.5 million including locals and toursits and it was really that much. We tried to get into the crowd and be seated in a secure place from where we could see the better view but our attempt was useless. However, we managed to observe it, that's great in such a moment.
I have put some photos and videos as seen and observed by me from Circular quay.