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17 November 2008

If I were a bird

When we imagine freedom, peace and enjoyment, most of the times, we think of being a bird, swinging over the horizon probably with a lovely partner. Birds by nature enjoy freedom, and don’t have to be depended on anything for that. They are free of laws, rules and regulations and any sorts of boundaries for freedom.

These Sydney birds are loosing their enjoyment, freedom because of starvation like many human beings in the world. One day, I was with my wife having snacks in a park, these birds came closer to us in an expectation of getting foods. These pictures were snaped up at the mean time.

However, these lucky birds are enjoying more rights than most people in the world. Don’t imagine catching, hitting or killing of them. You can immediately be punished by the council or authorities. Sometimes you may also have to think twice to feed them because you can’t feed them anything you like. Anyone may be observing you and will complain immediately if you do something wrong. This is called awareness, responsibility. I liked it.

See the differences, in my country; two youths have been murdered and buried in the bank of a river. There is no one to take responsibility of their lives. Legal action against the murderer is far from the people’s expectations and people are protesting for their right to survive.

If I were a bird, at least I would enjoy my life.