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Welcome to Prem's blog
All the materials contained in this blog are subjected to copy right of Mr. Prem KC unless other sources mentioned. Thanks for visiting my blog.

8 October 2012

Floriade 2012 in Canberra

Got a chance to observe the beautiful floral designs while visiting this spring in Canberra, the capital of Australia. There were hundreds of people to see this, a month long running event. Here are some admirable, heart touching flowers, and their inspirational designs in the park.

26 July 2012

Changing primary email ID in Blogger

I wondered many times trying to change my primary email ID. As I was using yahoo email ID but actually, wanted to use gmail ID for my blog to logIn. Finally, today is the day I make it happen. If you too wondering to change your primary email login ID with your gmail ID (which is the default user login ID for blogpost.com), here are the things you need to do.
  • Login to your blog using your existing email ID
  • Go to Settings then  under Permission find Blog Authors and click on '+Add Author'
  • Type email id you want to use for login and click on 'Invite Authors'
This is also a way to invite more people to contribute into your blog. If invited person accepts your invitation, s/he can start posting on your blog as an author. You can also assign that person an administrative rights to manage overall settings of your blog.

21 July 2012

Password Havoc

How many emails do you use? Probably two, if not at least one email, facebook, MySpace, delicious, linkedIn and have a twitter ID too.You might also have your own website to remember ftp ID or Content Management System ID to update your website and your company has assigned you some login details. You certainly use net banking; credit cards, debit cards, probably some shopping gift cards and also think about health/home/car loans and insurance accounts. All of these need passwords or PINs (Personal Identification Number).
How frequently do you use them? Certainly not all them every day. What happens when you try to access after a week or sometimes a month later? Suddenly can't remember all or meshed one with another, right? Result inaccessibility or resetting and many more. How easy do you feel to remember all of those? You might be using your browser (Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explore, Google Chrome etc) or other third party software to store and remember passwords for you. How reliable are they? Do you trust them? What happens when security of your system is compromised or that application crashes? Definitely you will be at risk to loose your valuable information or big $s in that situation. So, treat your passwords/PINs as valuable assets and handle them carefully. Here, I've some idea to take care of them.

Some Tips to handle Passwords/PINs and consider while online:
  • It's always good to memorize all your passwords/PINs and not to expose or share with anyone in any condition.
  • Do not store them in your wallet or save them in your mobile phone or in a separate file.
  • You can develop certain logic for remembering them. However, always use separate password for your individual accounts. Do not use same password for all the accounts.

22 January 2012

Chinese New Year

As Chinese new year (the year of Dragon) starts from today, weeks long celebrations are going on various venues of Sydney. There are many formal and huge celebration in the city as city of Sydney is crowded with Chinese communities along with others. I came to enjoy a small and beautiful celebration in Campsie, NSW this morning. This photos and videos are from today's celebration in my local market.