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All the materials contained in this blog are subjected to copy right of Mr. Prem KC unless other sources mentioned. Thanks for visiting my blog.

28 October 2009

Nothing special

It's been few months leaving this blog unattended. First few months being busy in exams and other months being busy for nothing. Many things in life aren't fulfilled just by wishing them to be so. Same thing happened to me in this case of blogging. I could see people writing, publishing and inspiring with their work in an artistic and attractive way. I definitely get inspired by such many people however couldn't continue blogging as hobby. As there isn't any rule or particular matter of interest to be written in a blog, but it certainly has to be written something and shared among its visitors because in my view its a public place where public interest matters.I just can't occupy public place for nothing.
Some of my friends ask me "How is GOLOURA going on?" "Are you posting something?". I know they don't visit it frequently, otherwise, they shouldn't have ask such questions. However, they know and are concerned about it. So, I must be able to cope up with their concerns and should have some answers to them. For now, I can just say to be regular in blogging.

Good night.