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2 July 2009

Are you interested in IELTS ??

If you are planning to head towards lands of opportunities or already there and wanna open the door of opportunities, IELTS can be a key for success. It's not the time to go for tuition centers and pay for hundreds of $$ for the course and score. There can be found hundreds of websites for the preparation. Some of them are really free, some says they are free but aren't in fact, and are wastage of time. I found some of the really free websites which helped me a lot and thought good to share with friends. Some of the sites that can really be useful to you as well, are here, although only these are not complete, you may have some idea about other really good sites for this purpose please provide those as comments.
Most importantly, ielts.org is the main web site for all sorts of authorised information about IELTS.