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1 January 2009

Welcome 2009 !!!!!!!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009. May this year be a milestone of success in your life.

World is welcoming another challenging New Year with happiness, as like others I'm also a part of this system and my heart too accepting this brand New Year to make it fruitful. There can be various ways to welcome and celebrate New Year. One of the world's popular ways is to exchange greetings, wishes with fireworks.
People here in sydney, were gathered in popular spots, high hills, taller buildings, hotels and other places, from where they could easily see the view of fireworks. They were seem to be ready from the early morning as it was difficult to get the right location with beautiful view in the eve. We, in the evening faced the same problem. The crowd was expected to be 1.5 million including locals and toursits and it was really that much. We tried to get into the crowd and be seated in a secure place from where we could see the better view but our attempt was useless. However, we managed to observe it, that's great in such a moment.
I have put some photos and videos as seen and observed by me from Circular quay.